

Welcome to Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, the most easterly edge of North America.
This is where the sun rises first. Where Vikings landed over 1,000 years ago. This place is home to the oldest European settlement and one of the oldest cities in North America, but has been a province of Canada for barely 65 years. A vast land, with a relatively small population, Newfoundland and Labrador has some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Here, you can experience a solitary wilderness one day and immerse yourself in a vibrant culture the next. This is a land of rich history and natural wonders: stunning coastlines, breaching whales, icebergs, and some of the most incredible skyscapes you'll ever see.
Who knew that arriving here could be such a departure?
Travelling here by plane is a popular option, and airlines fly into St. John's, Gander, Deer Lake, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, and Wabush. Flying times for direct flights to St. John's are about 3.5 hours from Toronto, 6 hours from Edmonton / Calgary, and 5 hours from London. Other international routes are available into the region via Halifax. Regional airlines service smaller destinations and operate flights within the province.
Travellers are encouraged to check with individual airlines and ferry services for the most up-to-date information prior to and during travel.
