Huge Trophy Brook Trout in the Labrador Wilderness
By Dr. Harold C. Lyon, Jr. ~ Author of Angling in the Smile of the Great Spirit, Professor of Medical Education
My first native brook trout as a young boy at age seven was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen… even to a colour-blind boy.
At age 77, I am now finally complete with brook trout having caught the biggest and most beautiful ones in my life in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Seeing the spawning colours of a late fall brookie is enough to stimulate this colour-blind man back to full normal vision.
One may see hundreds of small lakes and rivers all full of virgin fish swimming in the cold clear water, most of whom have never seen an artificial fly and never before angled by humans. What a wilderness feeling of unique isolation from humanity. Not a house, a person, or any trace of civilization for hundreds of miles in all directions. The only creatures in this extreme wilderness are the wild ones. I landed and released forty huge brookies, from 3 to 6 pounds, on home-tied streamer flies. These are the biggest native brook trout I’ve ever caught.
Excellent fly rods were furnished with reels with excellent drags, much needed for these large trophy fish, with each having a tapered sinking line and tapered leader. Many hand-tied flies proved to be a winner.
I cast my fly toward shore, let it sink a few seconds and began an erratic retrieve. Bang! A heavy hit followed by a line-ripping run, some splashing on the surface and a 4-pounder came to a skillful glove, was quickly photographed, and released. The action kept up one after another for 4 hours.
The first and most beautiful fish I ever caught when I was seven years old – a 7-inch beautiful fish – and now these huge wild brookies all blessed in spawning colours make this majestic fish complete for me as an angler.
What once in a lifetime angling thrills I had packed into one week in the spectacular wilderness of Labrador. You can also make it happen along with memories you’ll never forget.